Home Forums OS X Server and Client Discussion Web A better blog service?

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    We’re finding Blojsom doesn’t have all the functionality we need in a blog service. Can anyone recommend a third-party product that will run happily on OS X Server? WordPress is an impressive open source solution but appears a nightmare to install and maintain. Thanks.


    I did not know Blojsom until I saw this thread. When I came to choose a Blog engine, I choose WordPress. Here is my recipe to install it for my French speaking domains. If it can help someone I could translate it in English.


    Procédure pour installer WordPress pour faire un Blog

    Télécharger le zip sur le site de WordPress.org
    Télécharger le codex français http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Localization et placez-le dans /domaine.ext/wordpress/wp-includes/languages/fr_FR.mo

    Placez le dossier “wordpress” dans le dossier du site.
    Avec CocoaMySQL
    Créer un database nommée “wp-nomcourt”
    Dans la table mysql > user, créer un usagé nomcourt avec la commande : “INSERT INTO user (User, Password) Values (‘nomcourt’, PASSWORD(‘1234’))” et ajouter localhost dans host

    Dans la table mysql > db créer une entrée. Champ Db = wp-nomcourt et User = nomcourt

    Éditez le fichier texte “wordpress/wp-config-sample.php” pour spécifier le DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD et “define (‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);” .
    Enregistrer le sous “wp-config.php”

    Redémarrer le service MySQL

    Vous êtes maintenant prêt!

    Formats de dates et heure : j F, Y et G:i


    Yes, WordPress is a much better blog. Installing it is simple once you have enabled PHP and MySQL and then installe CocoaMySQL for maintenace.


    Wordpress is very poorly written code that is riddled with inflexibilities and security holes. What’s worse, their installation procedure actually has you place password laden configuration files within the public document root. One tiny slip up in your Apache configuration and the entire world can get into your database.

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